Release Notes
- Addition of result paging to landvalidation list and export processes. This will allow for larger lists to be retrieved from large plants.
- Adjustment to search create command to allow passing parameters containing comma (Addition)
- Minor fixes to batch processing with URL
- Minor fixes to allow patching of batches via URL
- Adjust all endpoints to address potential timeout on large returns. This should resolve issues with retrieving large lists of land validations, docuemnt history, batches, etc.
- Add ability to import a batch file from URL with an optional existing ID for editing large batches (see: batch import url -h)
- Add filtering of batch export by complete or incomplete documents to provide additional debug capability (see: batch export -h)
- Adjust document history endpoint to address potential timeout on large returns.
- Fixed issue with autocompletes import command to correctly search for 'autocompletes' element of json file. This relates to continued effort to move towards a consolidated batch format that can contain all types.